Melissa Cory

As told by Jubilee Program Manager Mary Amoji-Ogar

When I met Melissa fear and anxiety had taken over her life. She had a phobia about falling that led her to stop walking completely. Even using a wheelchair frightened her. She would crawl from place to place in the house. It was heartbreaking.

We wanted to help her get back to herself. I suggested Melissa attend a medical day program where she could get physical therapy and encouragement to walk. Jubilee support staff worked with Melissa’s sisters to cook foods to fit her new diet.

Melissa started to address her fears. She moved to a wheelchair, then to a walker, then with Jubilee staff close by, walking on her own. We encouraged her to run for an elected position on Jubilee’s Client Council. She campaigned hard and won!

It was a great feeling for all of us to see her start to enjoy life again. Now Melissa tells us “I’m happy I’m not in a wheelchair anymore.” Melissa got her confidence back. And with it, her ability to walk.